App to Success is now live!

We are proud to announce our site is now live and we are ready for you!
App to Success is a company which mainly focuses on app developers and app marketeers for businesses of all sizes.
App to Success would like to guide you through maximizing your project and take your app to the next level. We make it possible to be successful!
It is our goal to help app developers to make their app become more successful and maintain this success, regardless of competition from other apps.
So, if you are an app developer and you are at the beginning of an app startup or a developer in a large company, follow our blogs and subscribe here. Read tips on how to improve your apps, our analysis on the business plan of other apps and psychological insights on those decisions.
App to success is built and founded by Rik, Irene and Jochem.
Rik is an enthusiastic app developer. He built and marketed apps that had tens of thousands of users, had millions of in app actions and achieved thousands of downloads per day.
Irene is a scientist in Cognitive Neuropsychology. In the blink of an eye, she sees through the psychological effect of functionalities and knows how to find the gap in the thinking process.
Jochem is a historian, investor and third founder of App to Success. He likes to combine his knowledge of financial markets with his historic knowledge of big patterns and human behavior in order to give developers a different perspective on how their business works.
We need your help!
What subject would you like to read in our blog? Do not hesitate to let us know in the comments below, which topics you have us to address.
Successful greetings,
Rik, Irene and Jochem
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Wordfeud case study

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